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Historical overview of Int'l political economy: Session 1
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Historical overview of IPE Cohn: -IPE before WW 2 -Postwar economic management Pearson & Payaslian: -Origins of Modern IPE 1600s-1860s, -Growth of Industry, Technology and Empires: 1870s-WW2 -Emerging IPE: 1980s, 1990s and present Origins of the Modern IPE Fairly developed zones -Mediterranean: Venice, Genoa, Byzantine Empire, Ottoman Empire, Maghrib, -Africa: Ghana, Mali Empire, Songhay, transsaharan trade route, -Indian Ocean, South China Sea, Chinese Empire, Silk Road, -Amerindian Empires: Maya, Aztecs, Incas 1600s-1800s Portugal , Spain (occupation, crusade) Netherlands France (trading ports, companies) Britain 1 France Britain 2 Germany USA USSR Blocked land routes to Asia, need to open sea rout to Asia: Их нээлтүүд Mid 1800s-WW2 British attempt for trade liberalization, backlash -1846 Corn law abolished, -1860 Cobden-Chevalier Treaty (Brit-France) -WW1-Brit decline, US Emergence: War debts to US Brit 5 bln, Fr-4 bln: US trade barriers -Fordney-McCumber Act 1922-raised customs on agri. Depression, interwar situation: -Stock Market crash Oct., 1929: US less trade dependent 5% while others were more /14%, Policymakers panicked: raised tariffs exacerbating the crisis: Smoot Hawley Act 1930: retaliation by Europe, G Trade 35-12 bln. 29-33. Lack of capital for consumption, FRB: reduced money supply. Defaults on debts: Br, Fr, Ger, L.A. Post WW2 IPE 1944 Bretton Woods, 47 -IMF: monetary stability and elimination of currency exchange res.; system of fixed, pegged rates; IMF: short term loans IBRD/WB: long-term: for reconstruction, econ development GATT: lower tariff, rules in trade Evolution: WB:rid of reconstruction; pure econ dev.; included EE, FSU. IMF: 70s fixed system collapse, floating, 80s foreign debt. GATT/WTO: goods also services, int.l property, trade-related-investment Roles of North, South, CPE Crucial role in funding, decision-making, OECD: G10, G5, G7 North US, Europe, Japan triad : largest share of transaction: FDI 95- 92.1% outward, 71.9% inward; trade of goods 95 – 93% export, commercial service –89.3% in NORTH WB president American; IMF Mdir. European, GATT/WTO European. Challenges for KIEOs: -End of Cold War – frictions among north: trade & other conflict; pressures for protectionism in US, -Increased influence of Third World : Oil Shock -Globalization: Increased capital flows: difficult to monitor, MNCs and Int banks -Entrance of FSU, East Europe to 3d world aid recipients: 181 IMF, 180 WB, 128 WTO Smaller : OECD OECD G-10: 1962 (now 11 countries) -Policy Coordination G-5: 1970s: few most powerful, flexible, top leaders, (finance ministers and central bank governors) 1975 invited Italy 1976 Invited Canada Recently Russia on political issues
G-7 / P-8: 2 levels: 1 Heads of state and govt 2 Ministers of finance/ Central bank governors Considerations to include countries like: -China, India, Brazil, Indonesia -Oil exporting Arab nations -Consult with non-members Divisions in North Germany/Jap criticism:lack of role in comparison to their increasing role: no CEOs from 2, US dissatisfaction – GATT is European; Regional Integration Agreements: Impatience with decision-making in large gr, increased competitiveness among 3 tr, growing US interest in regionalism as its hegemony is declining. Stages of FTA FTA : Eliminate tariffs NAFTA Customs Union: FTA +common external tariffs CWPSys Brit Common Market: CU + free mobility of factors of production, similar health, safety, educational, social security standards. EU Economic Union: Common Market + harmonization of Industrial, regional Transport, fiscal, monetary and other econ and social policies: (+monetary union) 1999 Jan EURO, 11 members 5. Political Union: Econ Union + Political area: foreign and defense policy: Federal government: NAFTA: 1, 3, Regionalism Two phases since WW2. 1959 E.E.Community, 1960s third world, NAM 1980s, revival of US FTA with Israel, Canada, 90s NAFTA, 1995 EU 15 members, 1989 APEC: South Dev. Gap World GDP 23 tril, South 5 tril. Divisions within South: East Asia, L.A. UN 1971 24 poorest, 1980 – 31, 2000 – 48. Criticism on KIEOs lack of influence, donors’ assistance do not contribute to econ development 1950 WB: hard loans, LLDC want concessional loans, Weighted Voting system : 26 dev –61.6%, G7-47.8%, 163LDCs 38.4% LDCs pressured UN to est. econ org.: soft loans refused by North 1960 North agreed to est. Int. Dev. Agency.:soft loans. 1960s -Decolonization : increase of LDCs in UN.: 1964 est.d Group 77, UNCTAD: challenged existing order 1970s -OPEC oil shock-increasing LDCs influence,call for NIEO. Increased voting share for OPEC, North agreed to have a generalized system of preference for LDC exports ----------------------- UNCTAD more conciliatory 1980s & 90s -Debt crisis: 1982s Mexico closely related to OPEC oil price increase: large sum of dollars deposited in North banks, Intl banks massive loans to LDCs to buy oil imports; -overborrowing by LDCs in 70s, LDCs dependence on debt relief assistance in 80s and 90s IMF, WB imposed their conditions: LDCs open econ to trade, FDI, other links with north: Liberalization, privatization, deregulation CPEs SU, Czechoslavakia, Poland signed 1946s did not participate 1947, Marshall ERP invited EE and SU. CMEA est.d 1949, except Yugo. : -technical cooperation & joint planning -central planning -nationalization of factors of -collectivization of agri -reorient from west and solidify with SU. 1964 Int’l bank for Econ Cooperation 1971 Int’l Investment bank -Ruble, -bilateralism, -unrealistic conversion -isolation West’s approach to CPEs USA restricted trade with Communists: -1949, US Export Control Act (pres. License export to CPEs) -Coordinating Committee COCOM: US pressured allies to join to coordinate West embargoes of strategic goods to Soviet bloc; -1951 Trade Agreement extension Act : withrdew concessions for com countries except Yug. Сэтгэгдэл үлдээх { Сүүлийн хуудас } { 2 -р хуудас Нийт хуудасны тоо: 10 } { Дараагийн хуудас } |
Миний талаар:Нүүр хуудасМиний танилцуулга Бичлэгийн сан Найзууд Зургийн цомог ХолбоосуудАнгилалуудСүүлийн бичлэгүүдMain IPE perspectives in comparisonHistorical overview of Int'l political economy: Session 1 Hicheel 3 : Neoclassical economy Pol Econ Basics Classical school in polit econ basics Draft Syllabus for the Intro to Pol Econ; 2003 Найзууд |